Sense of Decency

Listening to others, seeing things through their eyes.

By DENNIS HARROD A famous cartoon shows Robespierre about to execute the executioner on the guillotine. The implication is that Robespierre and his colleagues of the French Revolution have now executed everyone, and only the executioner remains. An inscription says “Here lies all of France.”  I thought of that image this morning as I read …

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“Are birds free from the chains of the skyway?” — Bob Dylan By DENNIS HARROD I was behind a pickup truck the other day and it had a sticker on the back window that said “Freedom” and what looked like it might be an American flag. It was hard to tell. It had vertical stripes. …

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By MIKE DONOHUE In the days since the Uvalde massacre, there have been more questions than ever as to why America has more gun violence than anywhere else.   Having worked for 35 years as a professional treating alcoholics/drug addicts, I see some parallels between the rise in mass shootings and the opioid epidemic. Per …

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